All About Cubs

A Cub pack can have up to 36 Cubs and is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. Each meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors. Our weekend camp is of the most memorable events of the year for a Cub.

Cubs are boys and girls aged between eight and ten and a half years old. Once they reach ten and a half years old, they will move onto the Scout Section.

Amazing Activities

​During their time in the Pack, the Cubs will get a chance to try lots of different activities like camping, hiking, wide games, map reading, knotting, exploring and much, much more…
Cubs will also get the chance to go on trips and days out to places like the zoo, theme parks or a farm. They will be able to go camping with the Pack and take part in all kinds of exciting outdoor activities.

Important Information

Our Meeting Time
Wednesdays 18:30 – 20:00

Age Range
Eight – Ten and a half years old

Spaces Available
Please Email us today to find out when you can join!

Cubs is £4 per session and is to be paid online using our secure system.


Activity Badges
Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Cubs to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.

Staged Activity Badges
Staged activity badges are available to young people from Beavers to Explorers, and cover a range of topics and skills. The stages have increasing levels of difficulty, and a Cub can begin at whichever stage offers them an appropriate level of challenge or can continue them from Beavers.

Challenge Awards
Gaining a challenge badge involves accomplishing a number of more ambitious tasks within the Pack or community. There are several challenge badges across a number of themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the scouting world.

Core Badges
In addition, there are a number of special badges, obtained upon joining or moving on from the Pack, or for time spent in the Scouting movement.